How to Get More Flow in Your Kizomba

People often tell me that my dancing feels like ā€œflyingā€ or that it looks very soft and fluid. And it might be true.

No matter if I have danced salsa, bachata or kizomba I have always tried to dance in a soft and fluid way, especially if the music tells me to. So, here I will tell you some of my top tips to get more flow in your dance.

Ok, so letā€™s get to it! How do you get more flow in your kizomba dance and move more softly?

1. First of all - Your step - front of the foot first
The way you step makes a huge difference. If you want to have flow and softness in your dance you need to step with the front of your foot first. Have you ever seen a trained, professional dancer stepping with the heel first? Someone who has danced ballet, jazz or contemporary? No, they are trained to step with the front of the foot first. Why? Because the front of the foot makes for a softer step. It gives you much more control - if you transfer the weight or not, how much you transfer, if you want to just touch ...

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How to Move for a Better Connection in Dance

connection dance Nov 19, 2020

How we move is another key to create a great connection. This starts from the position and posture we have, and then it is a matter of what types of moves we make, as well as how weĀ make them.Ā 

Our posture is essential. The more closely we match our postures, the better the connection. If the follow dances like a proud soldier with a good posture and the lead looks like a sack of potatoes, it will definitely affect the connection. Matching postures are better for connection, and better connection makes us more popular on the dance floor.

ThisĀ isĀ an excerpt fromĀ one of my books -Ā "The Secrets of Social Dance - How to Become a Popular Dancer" which you can find on Amazon.

Another consideration is how we align our body and our head to our partner. Facing our partner more with our upper body and head will create a better connection. This doesn't mean we should stare our partner in the eyes all the time. That would feel creepy. But we could avoid turning our body and...

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