Tips for Dancing with Dance Teachers
I am a dancer, and I am a teacher. I dance salsa, bachata, kizomba, kizomba fusion and semba and I give classes and online courses in kizomba and fusion. And I want to tell you something very important. Are you ready?
Teachers are just like everybody else! They are not superhuman. They are not more special than anyone else. The same rules apply to them as to everybody else. This also means that they deserve the same respect.
This is an excerpt from a bonus chapter of one of my books - "The Secrets of Social Dance - How to Become a Popular Dancer" which you can find on Amazon.
Here are some facts:
- Teachers also like to dance. Don't be afraid to invite a teacher to dance, no matter your level. Dressing up, going to the party and feeling ready to dance and then no-one dares or wants to invite you is not fun for anyone, including teachers. Please feel free to ask!
- Teachers also need to rest. It happens that teachers have the problem of not being invited, but quite often, it is the opposite. Many people want to dance with them and there is not enough time to rest. So, when you ask a teacher, be smart and sensible, just like with other people. When teachers want to rest, they often move away from the dance floor, because if they stay, they will not get that needed rest. They might stand behind the DJ for a while. They might go to the bar for something to drink and a bit of a break. Or they are on their way somewhere. If you cannot approach them in a normal way, there is no need to grab their arm when they walk past you. And don't run after them if you see them pass by. It is not an excellent way to invite anyone, and it is the same with a teacher. Always invite in a friendly and respectful manner, preferably coming from the front or the side. And do it when it is a good time to invite.
- Teachers like to enjoy the dance. Sure, they are teachers, but they are on the social floor to enjoy. They are not there to teach. Avoid asking them to teach you something. Asking to repeat a move is fine maybe, but don't ask them to teach you how to dance.
- Teachers are not Gods. Yes, they are hopefully great dancers, but there might be many other great dancers on the floor. I am sure some teachers enjoy the feeling of being in demand. I am sure some teachers like the attention on the floor when a group of partners line up in a queue. But it can also make it a lot less enjoyable for them to dance when they feel they have to "work" on eliminating that line - a line which might never finish. I have been to places where when I finished a dance with a girl, she just went to the end of the line again. There is also the problem that sometimes the women standing in line (It is usually the women, as there are often more women than men at the parties/festivals) say no to other men asking them to dance. They are "off the market" when they are in line. It ruins the social interaction on the floor a bit. And in addition, they might even say no to someone who they would have had a great connection with. Maybe they miss out on meeting someone who otherwise would have been the love of their life. Too bad! Better to avoid standing in line and discover some other dancers until there is a better opportunity to invite.
- Teachers don't always remember. "Booking in advance" might seem like a smart way to get the dance you want. But what it really means is that you probably invited at the wrong moment. Like when a teacher already has a partner or is standing in the bar to relax. And if you book in advance, you can't expect the teacher (or anyone else) to actually remember who is first in that line. It happens that there are several "bookings" ahead of yours, and in the end, it becomes impossible to remember who's turn it is. And having a bunch of advance bookings isn't really helping the teacher to enjoy the dance experience.
- Teachers are often popular. As a teacher, you realise that there might be a lot of people who want to dance with you, and of course, you try to make everyone happy. You want to leave a good impression. If it is a dance where the dance etiquette says that you should dance more than one song with a partner, don't feel offended if the teacher finishes after just one song. There might be more people waiting and no chance to dance more than one song with each partner if they are going to dance with all. Once a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, finishes a dance and says thank you, don't ask for another song. There is a reason they finished. It doesn't mean they didn't enjoy the dance. But there is some reason it was time to finish.
That's it - some tips from a teacher and dancer. Feel free to share if you enjoyed it!
This was an excerpt from a bonus chapter of one of my books - "The Secrets of Social Dance - How to Become a Popular Dancer" which you can find on Amazon.
Suggestion - Check the kizomba, fusion, musicality and follow technique courses here.

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